Modern Technologies

Software & Tech Development for the Future


Legal Responses to Ransomware Attacks: Global Legislation and Law Enforcement

The surge of ransomware attacks has become a defining cyber threat of our time, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. These digital assaults not only encrypt data but also undermine the very fabric of our critical national infrastructure. The response has been a clarion call for a comprehensive legal strategy to mitigate and neutralize this […]


Who is a Target for Ransomware Attacks?

In the rapidly evolving realm of cyber threats, one category has emerged as particularly menacing and pervasive: ransomware attacks. The question of “Who is a target for ransomware attacks?” no longer has a straightforward answer. In today’s digital age, virtually every entity, from small businesses and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations and government institutions, is […]


History and Evolution of Ransomware

The issue of Ransomware has become particularly relevant, raising concerns among companies, governmental institutions, and ordinary users. Attacks can lead to significant financial losses, leakage of confidential information, and even disruption of important social and production processes. Understanding the nature of the threat, its distribution methods, and ways to protect against it is extremely important […]


Ransomware in Cloud Services: Threats and Defences

Cloud services have become an integral part of modern business and private life. However, along with the convenience they provide, there is a serious threat – ransomware. This type of malware attacks not only local devices but also cloud storage, posing a risk to the security and availability of valuable information assets. Let’s take a […]


Strategic Measures to Assess and Minimise Ransomware Threats in Your Organisation

Ransomware is a major threat to organizations of all sizes. In the first eight months of 2023, the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) observed a 51% increase in the number of ransomware incidents affecting U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) government organizations compared to the same period in 2022. To be proactive, […]


Guidelines for Detecting and Defending Against Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are evolving into sophisticated methods of social engineering, utilizing email, websites, and attachments to collect sensitive information. These deceptive emails often contain links that entice recipients to divulge their login credentials or confidential data, enabling malicious actors to compromise accounts and systems. Understanding the methods and signs of phishing attacks is crucial for […]
